OpenID & Memi Specs
POSTED: January 30, 2007
The OpenID scheme is something that I need to consider incorporating into the memi specification that will become my MA thesis.
There are other things too, of which the most important may be metadata and distributed publishing.
I need to examine the Dublin Core again, and see how its specifications for metadata can be incorporated in the html here. If the aim is to build a personal presence on the web then it surely must be findable (which means that it can easily be searched for externally) as well as internally searchable. Even if this is not possible universally (because spiders tend to throw away the metadata they find) then it should still be something that mimis have as a common facility: a way of finding authors rather articles.
Distributed, or peered, publishing may be a simpler problem in that it might be possible by creatively misusing RSS. This is a hypothesis that needs testing. If it turns out to be false then this might turn out to be a large and public issue.