Sunday, November 15

Pond Street, Sheffield, 11:50
I had planned to start the day with the £7.95 Unlimited Breakfast, with as many cumberland sausages, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, baked beans, scrambled eggs and hashbrowns as I could manage, but decided to have a shower instead.
Twenty minutes later and I was completely clean with no indigestion at all.
Now I am walking to the station and I notice a notice for the second time. The first time was Friday, walking back from Access Space. The Penny Black pub has a different offer every day. Wednesday’s may be the best offer I have ever seen: free pie and peas with your fifth pint. Who could possibly pass that up?
The train will be ten minutes late but this time I have enough time in London for this not to matter. I will take the tube from Kings Cross to Heathrow and wile away the time listening to Soused, the recent Scott Walker & Sunn O))) album. I like it more each time, and I liked it the first time.
The plane will be fifty minutes late and this will matter. It may be the difference between a bus to Itäkeskus and a taxi I will not be able to claim for. Thanks to the pilot and co-pilot pedalling harder than usual, and the following winds, we will make up most of this and land about twenty minutes late.
This will still be enough to make getting a bus home a two-hour process involving night buses. I will get a cab instead. The cab will, of course, get completely lost when the image on the satnav confuses the driver.
I will get home sometime after midnight after explaining in my amusingly poor Finnish how to navigate through eastern Helsinki.