Thursday, October 29

YEAR:  2015 | Tags:  | | |

Arcada, 10:30


The ground this morning was hard with frost, and the temperature had dropped. I cycled down silent roads.

At Arcada I did a third version of my application and handed to Nathalie, who looked at it and asked me to sign it. Mission acomplished. I also got an email, courtesy of Stefan, asking me to review a book proposal for Routledge, and offering to pay me in books. I gladly accepted, thinking that it might be a bonus card to be used somewhere on The Stroll to 2020.

Now I am outside for a brief spot of frsh air, with my thick cardigan on. The frost is still thick on the ground, casting a blueish tint over everything. The light is hard and clear.

I will spend the rest of the morning rewriting my book chapter for Alison, and by lunchtime it will almost all be done. Only the punchline will be missing and I will decide to think about that overnight.

I will spend one more afternoon with the CMS group, working with the confused. Apart from the fact that somebody will need to be shown how to open a zip file, after having to be shown that it was a zip file, everything will go smoothly. Those who had not understood on Tuesday will understand by the end of today.

Irma will be out when I get home. I will do as much of the ironing as I can; play with Sunshine who has been inside all day and is not happy about it; type another chapter from Community, Art and the State; say hello to Irma; and have a shower.