Wednesday, September 16

YEAR:  2015 | Tags:  | |

Hämeentie, 18:00


As soon as I cycled out of Rohdinkuja drizzle started. I thought about going back, decided not to, and pedalled furiously towards Puotila. I made it just as the drizzle changed to a steady rain.

I talked with Fred and Nathalie, got appointed as our representative on an international working group, and walked onto A303 to begon the day’s CMS session. We covered the Wordpess administration in more detail than you would have thought possible.

At 14:15 I set an exercise and left to join Andrej and Jutta for a planning meeting. We all agreed on a strategy that we have been sorely missing: standardised creative briefs. We will no longer ask students to have ideas. We will ask them to solve problems. We will show them how to find solutions to problems they have been given.

Later Erik and I had a final discussion about the grades for the summer course. We agreed and I posted the results of our agreement in ASTA.

The weather had cleared when the class ended and I left the building.

I have put the bikes away, along with one of the summer garden chairs. I am looking at the black mushroom that appeared last weekend, and which Irma said was a rare delicacy. It looked like a sunshade on a stick but now it has opened like a flower. I am surprised.

We will have showers, finish packing, and go to bed early.