Thursday, September 10

Prisma, 19:00
I spent the morning trying and mostly failing to complete the chapter I am writing. I was interrupted every few minutes.
I actually spent the morning administering Lynda, setting up Lynda playlists for two courses, answering students’ questions, working to finalise the arrangements for Living Chatter, dealing with Its Learning, answering questions about course timetables for periods 3 and 4, and adding to the writing for the chapter that I have collected in Scrivener.
At least Scrivener allows me to write in small chunks without losing sight of the structure. If only it had the long-promised iPad app it would be perfect.
I spent the afternoon with the Mobile Apps group. They presented their rapidly developed app concepts in pecha kuchas, and then we discussed another possible project related to the current refugee crisis.
Now, after cycling home and jumping in the car, I am on Prisma with Irma. We are shopping today because we will be too busy to shop tomorrow.
Later I will play with Sunshine and read Monocle.