Monday, August 31
Arabia, 12:15
This morning I faced a tricky problem as I left the house. The temperature had dropped but it was still sunny. What should I wear. I opted for red trousers and a rugby-style shirt. I opted not to wear a cardigan or jacket.
I was cold as I cycled, but warm once I was inside the metro station. I spotted that my problem was widespread. There was no consensus about what to wear. People in shorts and tshirts were standing next to people in coats and scarfs.
I spent the morning preparing this period’s classes. I asked Harald and I can install servers on the students’ h-drives. That might simplify a few things.
Now I have gone for a short lunchtime walk. It is bright and clear and I want to be in it. There is no wind at all. The flags are hanging limply.
I will have a lunchtime meeting that involves turkey and rice, and a discussion about conferences later in the year.
At the team meeting in the afternoon I will get another outsized flower, another bottle of wine, and another white envelope which I will open later.