Saturday, July 4

Sandholmsudden, 11:00
Naa is in Helsinki so we woke to Irma’s alarm clock. We got dressed and left for the market.
We were expecting yesterday’s wind again but the air was still, and when the sun came out the air was hot.
We had our special market breakfast, and spent the morning sharing the hut with a teacher from Borgå selling her homemade pies and cakes. The market will be busy this morning and Irma will have customers, and people wanting to chat.
Today is Pellinki Day and there is the annual guess-the-weight-of-the-fish contest. I am always hopeless at this. I guess 8.2 kilos. It turns out to be 6.23. Marina has decided that they have packed the ice round it to make it look bigger than it is, and has guessed 6.3 kilos. However someone else has guessed 6.27.
No fish for us, then.
Back at the farm we will sit and read until Irma decides to have a nap. The wind will start rising, the sun will hide behind clouds, and I will sit in the sauna house until I have finished Karma Cola, which I bought yesterday at Seitlax.
Irma will wake up to make dinner, and I will wipe all the floors in the house, which are covered in cobwebs and thick winter dust.
Sunshine, who is very scared of strong wind, will be nowhere to be seen by the time we go to bed. The sun will have gone, and the wind will have lessened. It will not be hot, and Irma will claim to be shivering. In the distance we will hear a band playing at Tirmobaari, for the first time this summer.
I will wake up and let the cat in at 1:25.