Friday, June 26

YEAR:  2015 | Tags:  | | |


Kiasma, 14:30


I got up when Irma left and finished organising a detailed plan for the Cruise to 2020. I decided against changing this site to, and decided to use that domain for making publications available.

I wrote the abstract for my thesis and sent it, and then I tried and failed to register as a student at Aalto for next year. I need to do that to have my doctoral defence.

Just before noon I left for the centre, and while I was on the metro I decided to make a detour to Aalto to register in person. The student office was shut but the IT helpdesk was open. The reason my account wouldn’t work was because it was set to begin on February 1, 2115.

Once it was set to work in my lifetime I logged in and registered.

Next I made my third visit to The Church of Burger King. This time I had a Steakhouse meal, with soda water.

Now I am in Kiasma where I will spend four hours looking at the Robert Maplethorpe exhibition and an Ismo Kajander retrospective.

Later Irma and I will sit on the terrace drinking a Brewdog Punk Pale Ale we will find in the fridge. It was bought for Eija’s visit.

It will be so unexpectedly sunny that I will cycle to Alepa to get two more, so we can continue to sit on the terrace.

Naa will arrive home late from her final day working for Stara. She had taken a huge home-made carrot cake to work and the party had continued.