Tuesday, May 19

YEAR:  2015 | Tags:  | | |

Terminal 2, Helsinki airport, 23:30


Sunshine knows what a sunny morning means. It means: get outdoors now. At 7:30 I discovered that it was a sunny morning because Sunshine woke me to point it out.

After breakfast I spent the morning working on a video for the summer course. Four and a half hours later I realised that I had been working on the wrong take. I realised this when the last two minutes of the lecture descended into stuttering punctuated by barely intelligble gibberish.

I then spent two hours or more cataloguing every take Mirko and I did, by watching them all from start to finish. I then went back and started with the proper file.

This proved to be useful in an odd way. During the morning I had made and sequenced all the background images. I had all the material I needed at hand, and no more thought was necessary. Now, with the final take identified, I was able to edit and sequence everything in just over an hour. This made me realise that splitting the lectures into smaller chunks in the autumn would not be very difficult, nor very time consuming.

At 15:15 I had lunch and then went to Alepa for bread and milk to replenish the house supplies.

At 15:45 I began a Skype meeting with Erik. We went through everything that we had done and gave a final shape to the course, which will now consist of three modules and an assignment. We will finalise the material when Erik is in Helsinki next week, and I will package it and put it online in Eliademy in the first week of June.

Anneli joined us at 16:30 and we planned our report for the Nobanet meeting next week. Since the meeting will be at Arcada, I suggested that we turn this into a workshop in which I would record my final lecture in front of a live audience. This will enable me to actually find the time to record the lecture. It will also save me from writing a report before Monday.

Shortly afterwards Sunshine came in from the garden and promptly fell asleep on the sofa. I went outside to look at the terrace and wondered if it really needs a second coat of oil after all.

After an evening snack I set the table for breakfast, made Naa’s packed lunch, and had a shower.

At 22:45 I set off for the airport. Major roadworks were in action and I squeezed through huge ashphalting machines at two points.

Now I have parked, checked the arrivals board, and waited at arrival point 2B. Look, here they come.

We will pack the car and Irma will drive home, and we will unpack the car. It will be 00:10 when we arrive and Naa and I will go to bed straight away.

Naa has to get up about 5:00 to go to work.