Thursday, May 7
Senate Square, 14:30
I started the morning by addressing all the participants in Omtänk for fifteen minutes. I was tasked with explaining to them a clear set of rules for delivering their Powerpoint slides tomorrow for the presentation. Since I will be in charge of receiving the slideshows and loading them onto the computer in the studio, I was as keen as anyone to make sure the process worked smoothly.
After that I had a long and fruitful Skype meeting with Jutta. We talked through the new curriculum and mapped out all of the courses the Online Media students will have next year. The first and second year will be following the neww curriculum. The third and fourth year will be following the old one. By the time we finished we were both clear about what we had to do and both clear that the other was clear about it.
At 11:00 Steve arrived, and an hour later we left for the centre. He is going to be here on his own over the weekend, by his own choice, and he would like some guidance as to what he might see and where he might go. We went to the Opera House by tram, because the number 8 passes his hotel, and so he could see where going “the other way” would take him.
The weather was quite sunny so we walked down Mannerheimintie past Musikkitalo and Kiasma. We then walked down Esplanade to the old market hall, and back up towards what I still call Käisäniemi.
We are now walking past Senate Square. The sky is greyer and the weather colder, which makes it appear even more impressive. As we have walked we have been talking and out of this has come a series of very interesting and quite unplanned ideas.
At 15:45 I will have an important and defining meeting with Lasse about Lynda, and how its use will be organised. This will be my attempt to seize the initiative before it becomes my unpaid responsibility. We will agree that the hours I will spend managing Lynda will feature in my work-plan for next year and that, whenever I am in this role, I will be directly responsible to Lasse.
I will get home first because Naa will be at Kamppi and Irma will be at the first day of a two-day seminar. Later, after Naa and I have done the ironing, we will learn some of the interesting facts that Irma learned.