Friday, April 17
Garden, 18:15
This morning I was up and out first. It was cold when I left. It was damp and about to rain at Itäkeskus. It was snowing hard at Sörnäinen. The temperature was 1 degree.
In the morning I gave the first year students attending Social Media and Web Analysis a lecture on social pools and pooling. This went a lot better than my first attempt a couple of weeks ago. I accompanied it with Ted talks by Robin Dunbar and Nicholas Christakis which made it more authoratative.
At lunch I had a meeting with Lasse, Tore and Johan at which we ironed out the remaining wrinkles in the plan to make a permanent feature of Arcada’s teaching. I have never worked so hard while eating flounder.
In the afternoon I had a tutorial about a Masters thesis, a Skype meeting with Jutta, and a long chat with Luke in London. I then wrote an assignment and posted it, wrote six mails, arranged a tutorial and a meeting for next week, and left for home.
When I left for home the sky was clear, the temperature had risen, and the snow and wind had both gone.
Now I am in the garden looking at the first real signs of Spring. Irma and Naa are visiting Irma’s father.