Tuesday, February 24

YEAR:  2015 | Tags:  | | |

841 Bus, Itäväykä, 7:52


There was a minor kerfuffle this morning about whether or not I got Naa up in time. Whether I did or not, here we are on the bus heading towards Arcada. Leaving our yard was quite difficult since the snow has melted then refrozen several times and the drive is now perfect for skating.

When I get to Arcada I will find an email from Nathalie Aubret telling me that a group from Pixelache’s sister project in Paris, Mal au Pixel, would like me to run a two-day workshop in April. Having seen a membership list and accompanying biographies, they specifically asked for me. I will be flattered and puzzled. I reply saying that I will be happy to go provided that we can agree on something that I will do while I am there that interests us all.

The chances are, of course, that we won’t.

Naa has come to Arcada with me again, and I will settle her in an unused room to continue her revision for her psychology exam in a few weeks time.

At 9:30 I will have a meeting about lobbying to continue funding for Lynda.com. This will take several surprising turns, and by the end it will look as though our desire to use Lynda will tie neatly into the overall plans to move Arcada online and may, in fact, be a key part of the strategy. Call me surprised.

At the end of the meeting I will be even more surprised when it is suddenly suggested that I should visit FutureFest to record interviews for the MOOC. Oh, I say. Given the range of speakers, performers and discussions, and the topics being addressed, it will undoubtedly be a rich source of material, and going would be a great idea, but I am not sure how it fits into my timetable. I will agree provisionally and ask for a short time to think about it.

I will spend the rest of the morning assembling visual material for the first lecture for the MOOC. I am planning on recording this on Friday as a trial of the content, the presentation and the mechanics of getting it done with Camtasia. I am desperately behind schedule, but by the time Naa and I go for lunch I will feel better about the situation.

I will have vegetable chilli and boiled potatoes and Naa will have the premium trout with potatoes and vegetables.

In the afternoon I will attempt to stir the Social Gaming group into life. Andrej will be double-booked so I will be on my own. It will make no difference to the level of silence in the room.