Monday, February 23
Outside Arcada, 11:00
I got up first and left early. Irma and Naa got up shortly afterwards.
At 9:30 I had a long Skype call with Sotiris Makrygiannis, the CEO of Eliademy. We talked about how the framework was designed and what was on their development roadmap. I explained about the course Erik and I are designing and our plans for it. After an hour or so I think we were both convinced that we were talking to the right person. Certainly I felt that we made the right choice in deciding to explore Eliademy. Sotiris also expressed interest in working with Nobanet, since he does indeed regard the company as a Helsinki-based SME.
I am outside now, after briefing Nathalie about the conversation and emailing Erik and Eija. The snow is receding rapidly, and I am standing in front of a pile that is covered in gravel. Spring is beginning to appear.
In a moment I will walk to S-Market to buy the ingredients for this week’s lunches. After that I will write an email to an MA student, approving her change in the focus of her thesis.
I will spend much of the afternoon in a team meeting, followed by the Rector’s Info session where I put in an appearance so that I am not left out of the loop.
I will be home by 17:30. Irma will already be there and Naa will arrive later after her journalism course finishes. She will be happy about the way that it is now going.
The cat will be happy to see us all again, and make a big fuss about having the cushions on the sofa the way it likes them.