Saturday, January 10

YEAR:  2015 | Tags:  | |

Home, 16:00


We all woke up very late and after breakfast Irma and I set off for Lanterna. We need to bleed the radiators because some of them are not warming up at all. In order to do this we need a key, and we can’t find the one we used to have anywhere.

We went to K-Rauta and got a pack of 2 there, along with some earnest advice about how best to do it.

We then went in search of candles which took us from Jysk, whose slogan now seems to be Scandinavian sleeping and living, whatever that means, to Tarjoustalo, which isn’t the kind of place that would want a slogan of any kind. We finished off the trip with another visit to Prisma to get some of the ingredients for tonight’s meal.

Now we are at home and Sunshine is attempting to get someone’s attention, in order to get the food in its bowl upgraded. It has become very opinionated about what cat food it will and won’t eat. Irma has discovered that it will happily eat the cat food it doesn’t like if it is mixed the Sheba, the expensive food it very definitely does like. At the moment the proportion of Sheba in the mix is apparently not enough.

We will spend the next hour peeling and preparing the ingredients for Irma’s experimental upside down Shepherd’s pie. It will turn out to be extremely delicious.

In the evening, during a long conversation, it will suddenly seem as though the correct thing for me to do would be to order a PM Dawn album for Irma. We used to own it but it was stolen from the car a couple of years ago, Amazon will have one in stock, and by 22:00 it will be on its way to us.