Tuesday, December 9

Suvilahti, 20:30
This morning I did some more detailed planning with Erik for the online course. He was ill so we did less than we possibly intended. I then planned the Real Time Web course for the next two weeks. The session in the afternoon was like a tightrope walk. The students asked questions that I could not possibly have prepared for and I tried to steer them in the right direction.
I stopped slightly early, to their and my relief, and Irma collected me at 16:30. We drove to the British Embassy for the Christmas party. This year, for some reason, Irma had received an invitation and took me along as her guest. The new ambassador threw a less jovial affair than the previous ambassador who, I suspected, was an ex-rugby player or something similar, and therefore knew how to organise a party and wander around it appearing to be interested in verything while making sure everyone was drinking.
We followed Irma’s rule of staying ninety minutes and then leaving unless there is a reason to stay. She dropped me at Suvilahti and I walked through the ruined gasometers to Pixelache’s headquarters for Nathalie’s leaving pikkujoulu. I chatted, exchanged news and gossip, and spoke to Andrew who was joining the party from his apartment in France. I followed Irma’s rule…
Now I am walking through the misty dark to the metro station. There is a lit tower or crane of some kind in the distance. I cannot make out any details at all.
When I get home I will watch a video Naa has been assembling about Auo. It will be very well done indeed.