Thursday, October 2

YEAR:  2014 | Tags:  | | | |

Sörnäinen, 11:40


Today is the start of the two-day internal conference, at which everyone in the department will make a presentation around the general theme of “how do we make knowledge?” I got to work early to finialise my Powerpoint show for my talk, which is scheduled for 13:00 this afternoon.

At 9:15 I left for my first meeting with Arja, who will be my new therapist. We met at 10:00 and talked for an hour. She was surprisingly effective, in that I found myself crying twice when I talked about how I missed Auo. We agreed to meet again as soon as I return from Kerala. At that point we will decide how we will proceed.

Now, after a ride on a 59 bus, I am waiting to get the tram back to Arcada. I will arrive in time for a boxed salad, and an hour later I will give my presentation, which I will describe as the first single to be pulled from my forthcoming dissertation. It will get a better reception than I expected.

At 17:00 I will convene a Skype meeting of the Nobanet WP7 group, which will be followed by a meeting between Lasse, Erik and I about the project we are now calling Storytelling & Experience Design. This will be followed by a meeting between Erik and I, where we will work out the practical details of the previous meeting and make a first-draft timetable.