Tuesday, September 30

YEAR:  2014 | Tags:  | |

A306, Arcada, 13:30


Naa and I left before Irma this morning, and Nathalie talked to me about a Peace Journalism project that she wants me involved in, while I tried to prepare for today’s class. At 10:15 Block 3 of Mobile Apps began. Everyone discussed their first game apps and I demonstrated several ways to use javascript objects in localStorage.

Now I am having cheese and mustard sandwiches for lunch, with vintage Cheddar from Tesco, acompanied by a Broccoli and Stilton Aynsley Harriot cup soup, bought at a bargain price from Poundsaver. Out of the window a bus is passing behind the leafy trees. I am momentarily interested by the colours.

I asked the group to think about the final Web App they want to make, and I will spend the afternoon with the teams of two discussing their plans. These will include lists of things that they don’t know how to do, for which I will improvise solutions or approaches. Towards the end of the session Björn will email me with some random WordPress issues in a site that he is making, and I will try to deal with them. They will mostly turn out to be different symptoms of the same issue.

At 17:00 everyone will leave, I will return everything to my desk, put my jacket on and leave.