Tuesday, September 9

YEAR:  2014 | Tags:  | | |

Hakaniemi Tori, 12:15


Naa became ill yesterday, and so she stayed in bed this morning. I left at 7:30 and got a bus so fill I had to stand all the way, followed by a metro so full I had to stand all the way. I sat on the tram.

The first part of the morning was taken up preparing this afternoon’s opening session for Advanced Web Apps, which meant lots of administration inside Lynda.com and Its Learning. At 10:30 I left to see Annika and now I am outside in the market square looking around because, thanks to an empty tram and an empty metro, I am here fifteen minutes early. The market is in full swing.

Later I will race back and continue setting up the course, which I will lead until about 17:30. The course should finish at 17:00, but the group task will involve setting up a Xampp local development server and the ninstalling Worpdpress 4.0 on it. This will prove problematic in ways I had not even considered. No two computers will behave the same and what works on six computers will refuse to work on the seventh, and so on. By the time I leave I will still not have managed to get Gabriella’s usb stick working.

As I leave the sky will turn cloudy, and by the time I get to Itäkeskus the rain will have begun. I will get drench in the final run from the bus stop to home. As I race across the main road, with rain pouring down my neck, I will observe that neither leg seems to be hurting me anymore.

In the evening Sunshine will arrive home looking like The Wettest Cat in the World.