Thursday, March 15
Itäkeskus Bus Station, 17:15
I had what was intended to be the final session of my part of the Concept & Design course for Year 1 this morning. They had all reimagined the television concepts they pitched to Thomas a month ago as web-based projects, and they now repitched them to me. Interestingly some of the groups could not stop thinking in terms of “programmes”, so I sat through two pitches that had websites that showed a forty five minute episode once a week.
In the afternoon I made a second abstract for my keynote talk at Camp Pixelache, because Nathalie didn’t like the first one. I spent an hour writing. I then spent two hours tackling the php functions powering this site. I have decided that the forthcoming HLM site will use the same theme in different colours, if only to make finishing the into the same piece of work as starting that.
Now I am sitting on a 97 bus, on the third and final leg of my journey home. When I get there Auo will tell me she scored 10 in her English exam, and we will all leave immediately to go to Prisma.