Thursday, June 12

YEAR:  2014 | Tags:  | | | |

The house, 19:00


Irma had left by the time I got up, and Naa was still asleep. I had breakfast and continued to read the Scrivener manual until it was time to go to the dentist.

At 10:00 I was at Denta, sitting reading and waiting for Tero to call for me. At 10:15 he did, and I went in for my final appointment in this series. He had wanted to check a tooth he suspected of hiding something evil and so he x-rayed it and found nothing much. We then had ten minutes to spare and so he asked about what happened to Aurora and I told him. He is friends with Irma on Facebook, which is how he had known she had died.

At 11:00 I was ready for my Skype chat with Germany about the MA we may or may not be involved in, but time zones intervened and we rearranged it for later. I made my weekly backups and then went to meet Lasse who explained in much more detail baout how the Nonlinear Narrative course could be funded.

In the afternoon I had the Skype chat with Su, reported to Nathalie, had an instant meeting with Eija, and then emailed Su. By the end of this process I think we had agreed that Eija’s department should be the ones liaising with Germany and that Jutta and I would provide sessional work if needed.

After that I had another meeting with Nathalie, this time about configuring the plan as a research project and approaching Lars for funding for it. Lars appeared as if by magic but only for sufficient time to proclaim that he was too busy for a discussion.

It had been pouring with rain all day, and Naa had gone to Kamppi. There was a Pixelache debriefing but I decided that spending twenty minutes writing a paper about how I felt Camp Pixelache had gone would be better all round that staggering there drenched to mumble incoherently. Twenty minutes later I left for home.

I let the cat out into the rain at about 16:40. It was dubious about going but, having been in all day, it was determined to leave the house. I vacuum-cleaned, did various other household chores, and had a shower.

Now it is 19:00 and Irma is back from Hannu. The rain is still pouring down and the cat, having returned once, is out again. It will return shortly after Naa arrives looking wetter than any cat I have ever seen. Its fur will be in spikes making it look like a cat/hedgehog hyrid. It will shake itself like a dog before Naa wipes it down with a towel.

It will still bear some resemblance to a hedgehog an hour later.