Friday, May 30

YEAR:  2014 | Tags:  | | | |

Mannerheimintie, 10:10


Naa and I got up at 7:30 and at 9:00 I met Jonna Blomqvist whose job was to remove plaque from my teeth. This took an hour and was not nearly as painful as last time. Jonna was the most enthusiastic dental hygeniest I have met and explained to me in great detail, while holding up diagrams, exactly what was going on in my mouth. I was allowed to leave after agreeing to buy and use an electric toothbrush and to return in six months time. She, in turn, promised that within eighteen months my mouth would be “almost normal”.

And you don’t get much better than that.

Now I am outside looking at a kind of nakkikioski outside Virgin Oil. It catches my eye because, three minutes ago, I walked past a mock-vintage ice-cream stand.

I will get to Arcada and spend the morning dealing with the mail that didn’t get dealt with while I was in Tallinn. Among the mails, I will find that Anib has sent the bill for Auo’s posthumous expenses, and this will knock me back in time. I will linger over the bill for several minutes, not even actually reading it, before I regain my footing in the present.

In the afternoon I will meet Lasse and we will have a very quick meeting in which we will map out all the specifics of a plan to create a joint course between here and Odense. I will discuss this with Nathalie on Monday, after having got a response from Erik who will, I expect, be shocked at this sudden burst of speed and funding.

In the evening I will go to Prisma to buy my OralB PC3000 toothbrush in order to begin my journey to the storied heights of the “almost normal”.