Wednesday, April 16

Itäkeskus, 16:30
Naa has almost finished her major piece of writing for her school year and we talked about it this morning on the way to school and work. She has found it very difficult because her work has been about Auo’s death and her feelings about it. It was clear that her work will be ready just at the deadline, but she will have done it, and I am proud of her for taking a very difficult challenge head-on.
Yesterday evening I had promised some students that I would play a part in a production they will film. At 8:30 I was given a script, for a monologue, and at 9:00 we began filming. I played the part of a mad scientist who had invented a glove capable of moving objects at a disctance. We filmed for an hour and by the end my performance was judged so good that the producer ran out and bought me a doughnut. Literally.
I then moved swiftly to the CMS session, where the students presented some conceptual sketches for a new Zurker site. After a lunch break in which I had some wonderfully childish creamy potato and ham casserole we gathered again and explored the web looking for suitable WordPress themes that we could use as the basis of a demo site.
The session finished at 14:00 and at 14:05 I went upstairs to join the others in another in a seemingly endless series of meetings about how we can rearrange everything (again). By 16:30 numbers of people had fallen out with each other, or no longer understood what other people were saying. Thanks to the wonders of Skype Jutta and I knew where each other stood and had reached a common agreement that didn’t get broken. Others weren’t so lucky.
Now I am at Itäkeskus on my way home. The sun is the brightest it has been for two days. Here comes the bus.
I will get home to find Naa writing away in a final burst while Irma talks on the phone with Camilla. Sunshine will be taking the opportunity presented by the open door to walk in and out as often as possible.
At 18:30 Naa will finish writing and she and Irma will leave for her work to format and print it. After beating a carpet, I will play with the cat before sitting down and looking out of the window.