Wednesday, December 18

YEAR:  2013 | Tags:  | |

Savoy Theatre, 17:20


The morning began with an extra session of Advanced Web Apps. A number of students have not finished their projects and this session was designed for them to ask final questions. In the event three students did ask questions and got their projects finished before lunch. A couple of others didn’t ask enough questions (or the right questions) and didn’t.

I do not normally add extra sessions to the end of courses but this one was packed with new information and enough students had almost finished their work that I felt, in this particular case, it would be both to their benefit and mine, and give them the attention they needed to walk away happy.

Fifteen minutes after this ended I was sitting watching the Event Producers make a pitch for Omtänk. It was impressive. Afterwards a lot of hard but important questions were asked, and I scheduled a meeting in January for Tomas, Liisa and me, to help us find a final shape for the event.

Now a small gang of us have arrived at the Savoy Theatre. We will go to the restaurant upstairs for the Film & Television Christmas dinner. It will be delicious and I will eat far too much. The wine will be wildly overpriced and I will drink far too little. One glöggi and one glass of chardonnay for 18.60€, since you ask.

At home Irma will be finishing a heroic session of holiday packing and I will go for a walk to allow her to finish in peace.