Tuesday, December 3

YEAR:  2013 | Tags:  | |

Dining room, Arcada, 14:00


I spent the morning with the Advanced Web Apps group. Their assignment had been to produce a static website from their Photoshop mockups. The aim of this week was to turn the static website into a fully functional WordPress theme. In practice, what most people had done was to produce a skeletal version of what might one day be a static website based on their Photoshop sketches.

We thus spent most of the morning on html and css issues in an attempt to finish the morning where we should have been at the beginning. We almost made it.

Now, after a cheese sandwich, I have been persuaded by Klaus to go downstairs for an ice-cream. While I am there, I notice the decorations that have been left over from the pikkujoulu.

I will spend the afternoon showing the first year cultural producers how to use WordPress. They will be an excitable and happy group.

In the evening I will manage to overcome a major syncing problem that had devastated my diary on my iPad, with the help of Joe from WebIS, who provided me with some information that would have been impossible to find or guess otherwise. I will even manage to get some rewriting done on my thesis before heading home.