Thursday, November 14

Hermanninrantatie, 16:20
This has been a day of continuous busying. It began with a planning meeting involving Jutta, Tomas and me. I then collected Robert and Nika from the Info Desk, and took them to the room where they presented the brief for Omtänk to the event producer students. Liisa has been completely incapacitated with back injuries but she made it in for the class.
I introduced it, set the scene and handed over to our chums from Soc&Kom who explained what they had in mind. After an hour Jutta and I left Liisa to talk with the students while we raced down the corridor to sit with Kauko and Tommy, listening to the Interactive Storytelling storyboard pitches. There were seven groups and a wide spread of both ambition and coherence.
After this I went back down the corridor to where the Online Experience students were back from lunch. I then went through the morning’s brief once more, and then showed them how WordPress and Buddypress could be used to simplify the business of getting the online parts of the project up and running.
By 15:00 I realised I was too hungry to pretend that I wasn’t hungry. I went downstairs and got a late lunch, just before they packed it away. Now I am on my way to a Pixelache Piknik, and the dusk clouds are nicely red. We will have an online meeting with a group in Canada, and talk about our plans for 2014. I will propose that the Pixelversity theme “The Commons” should include a major strand examining The Communicative Commons.
There will be some agreement.