Thursday, November 7

YEAR:  2013 | Tags:  | | |

Eliaskoulu, 19:10


In the morning Jutta and I worked with the Interactive Storytelling masterclass, which now numbers 36 students. Joakim, a student who made an interactive zombie movie while on exchange in Germany, talked about the production process and showed a version of the movie. This was really useful as it gave a very clear, practical impression of what can be achieved in eight weeks. He also talked about the problems of storyboarding a branching narrative, and the tools his group used for this.

We then heard the groups initial concepts, commented on them, set up a sixth group comprising people who had not attended yesterday, and gave them a very detailed assignment for next Tuesday.

Heads spinning, we walked to Dylan for lunch. Jutta had never been there before and she was suitably impressed. The salads were, once again, very good and very filling.

I spent the afternoon exploring the web audio specs, and watching last week’s episode of the Future of Storytelling MOOC that Jutta and I have enrolled in. It was about television series and worth the time it took to watch.

Now I am at Naa’s school. We have watching her school play which is a retelling of the Wizard of Oz. Roosa has been a very convincing Dorothy and has, in fact, held the whole play together. Now the cast are taking bows and getting ready to have a post-play party.