Tuesday, October 8

Tolip Street, 8:15
One of the most noticeable features of Johannesburg is the sheer amount of security. Every garden has a high wall and every wall is topped off with barbed wire or an electric fence. Most houses have a big notice advertising which security company they employ. Most security companies claim to be pro-active, to have an armed response or to be commando ready (which is my favourite option).
This is a sign a few metres from the hotel, which is actually called A Room With A View And 100 Angels, because there are one hundred gargoyles on pillars around the grounds. Gina is collecting us again, and this time I have all my suitcases with me.
We will spend the first hour or so checking that yesterday’s assignments were all finished successfully. After this Jurgen will arrive to chat to everyone and see how they are doing. Then most people will leave to film the promo video and we will sit with Tony and Malin who are designing a website with extreme rapidity.
Jutta, Mailin, Steve, Tony and I will have one last lunch at Salvationcafe where I will have the classic burger and cheesecake. I will walk to the local Spar to collect some edible presents, and at 16:00 I will say goodbye to AFDA and JOhannesburg.
Beverley will drive me to Sandton where I will catch the rapid train to the airport. This will turn out to be pretty amazing and to offer views of parts of Joburg that I have not previously seen. There I will check in and settle down to wait for the plane.
The plane will not be completely full, and I will have the aisle seat on the very back row. The middle seat will remain empty and so some version of sleep will be possible.