Monday, October 7

4th Avenue, Melville, 17:30
Gina collected us at 8:20 and off we went. We were expecting the students to have worked yesterday to produce a task list. We then intended to go through it and turn it into a timetable. In the event, Nicole produced an hour-by-hour timetable for the week as an Excel sheet. By 10:00, after we had discussed it, we were approximately half a day ahead of the schedule we had envisaged.
The groups got to work and we went from group to group offering advice and suggestions. AT lunchtime we went to the local Spar supermarket where I bought a cornish pasty and a corn-based banana custard flavoured drink.
By 16:00 all the groups had finished, or were in the process of removing themselves elsewhere to continue. We were due to meet Jani and Steve so Jutta, Rudolf and I set off to walk somewhere where we could sit and wait. As we left AFDA it began to spit with rain.
When we approached the Slug and Lettuce at 76 4th Avenue it began to rain heavily and as we reached it the rain turned into a full-blown thunderstorm. We sat at a table outside to watch
The sky is suddenly dark, the light is suddenly strange and we notice that the storm is taking the form of huge hailstones. The Indian restaurant opposite suddenly loses all its table decorations in a gale force gust of wind. There is a crash of breaking glass and they are all gone.
In an hour Steve will arrive with Gina and Jani will arrive in a taxi. We will sit and talk and later Gina will take us home.
Jutta and I will sit for awhile on the roof making sure that the rest of the week is under control. Then I will pack, bathe and go to bed early.