Friday, September 13

YEAR:  2013 | Tags:  | | |

Sundö, 18:50


Today was non-stop action. I began by writing two course descriptions and then held a morning workshop for Emilia and Malin to answer their final questions about NextGen Gallery. (This had a second purpose. I had to work out the best way to present this in the Advanced Web Apps course in a month or so, and so I followed the teaching is the best way of learning approach, and ran this session as a way of learning how best to present the material to a larger group.)

After this I had a long online meeting with Jutta, in which we discussed, among other things, I course descriptions I had written. After this I switched to map out the sessions for Johannesburg.

We were due to go to Sundö to close it up for the winter. I got home late enough to provoke an argument but not late enough to prevent us going. Now we are here and everything seems suddenly wonderful. The sheep are nearby and race over as though we hold the answer to their food supply problem.

We notice that the panels have been put on the kitchen and I begin painting the white corners and frames so that we can pin tarpaulin over the entrance for winter.

The weather is warm and there is no wind at all.