Monday, July 29

Sundönpolku, 17:00
This morning we got up fairly late and had a leisurely breakfast. The weather had changed again and there was sun and a growing wind. We packed the car with various odds and ends. At 12:00 Irma and Naa were in the car on the ferry to Tirmo for the drive to Helsinki.
An hour after they had gone the weather changed to late autumn: cold winds, grey skies and a sharp drop in temperature. I phoned Irma to ask how she managed this. Every time she has left for Helsinki I have suffered immediate and massive deterioration in the climate. I suspect that she has possession of some machine I know nothing about.
I read, edited and made feeble efforts to write more during the afternoon, and now I have gone for a walk to look at something other than a screen and to find something to photograph. I have found trees.
I am standing off the road near where Thomas keeps his boats looking at yello mushrooms that are determinedly nonphotogenic. I can see spiderwebs between branches of trees.
Soon I will go back and make pizza. In the evening I will watch some old KLF videos which Auo will find “odd but interesting” before reading some more.