Friday, May 31

Toukolankatu, 8:50
Auo struggled off the metro this morning with a bag containing 32 cartons of juice for the class outing. I offered to walk to school with her, carrying them, but she determinedly refused.
I decided to see if S-Market still had half-price fruit pies, and they did. I bought some: a guilt pleasure for lunch. Now I am walking back to Arcada. The day has yet to begin and the sky is already bright blue.
I will spend the morning doing final administration, including answering the replies from yesterday’s mails, and backing everything up before the summer break. At some point Liisa will burst in and we will arrange a meeting for August.
I will spend the afternoon going through the books and papers that I need to have with me in order to finish my thesis this summer, and then I will go home with a rucksack that is too heavy for comfort.
I will contemplate asking Freddi for an ultrabook that weighs nothing and accelerates from 0 – 60 in less than 1.5 seconds.