Wednesday, May 15
Vartiosaari, 19:15
I got to Arcada and immediately began signposting the way to the little auditorium. Then I set up my laptop and rehearsed with the equipment. Then I sat and waited.
By 9:50 most of the people I was expecting had arrived, John Hopkins among them. I had not seen John for about five years, but there is something about him, or about our relationship, that means we just start again where we left off. It was exceptionally good to see him again.
The day was as much of a success as it could have been. It did everything that it could have done, and the first year students were mostly engaged. At some times there were forty five people present. I did not get to present my pecha kucha because I had put myself on last and the sessions ran late. I decided that I didn’t mind, and that I would rework it, and turn it into a Quicktime movie with pre-recorded soundtrack before the start of summer.
We concluded at 16:00 because a number of people wanted to go to another Pixelache event on the island of Vartiosaari. I joined them and we took a bus, a metro, another bus, and a rowing boat to the island.
Oliver has lived there for nine years and he acted as guide. We had a picnic and a discussion about art and open source, and now we are going for a walk around the island. We will stop at an old beacon and continue discussing while Oliver rows some people back to the mainland and then rows another group to the island.
I will join Catriona, Jon and a woman from Chicago whose name I did not catch, in a boat back at about 19:30, and make my way home.