Monday, April 29
Töölönkatu, 19:50
This morning we all caught the bus in the sun at 8:03, which was earlier than we intended.
At Arcada I read through the critique of Kim’s thesis that Jutta had written and signed it. Then I wrote a series of emails, and heard some good news from Irma concerning her potential relationship with Porvoo.
At 12:00 I went to Prakticum with Magnus, Tomy and Tuulikki to discuss a possible project that we might do with, or for, Nokia. The idea is interested but nobody was certain how practical it was, in terms of funding and people. The lunch was nice though.
At 13:15 we began a long, long meeting in Oasis, the room in Arcada stuffed with fatboys and painted to look like a tropical desert scene. WE discussed the future as we do every year. This year there are so many changes on the horizon that the future could best be described as completely unknowable and thus completely undiscussable. This information failed, of course, to stop the discussion.
At 19:00 we stopped and left for the post meeting meal, which this year is at Ravintola Kuu, in Tööloö. As we arrive it starts raining, thus validating our decision not to go to Pellinki for Vappu tomorrow.
The food will be very good: terrine, whitefish, Tampere cheese, and rhubarb in rhubarb soup. The wine will be very expensive. I will share a bottle of pleasant red with Jani and Jutta, and my third will cost me 17.50€.
I will arrive home at 23:45.