Wednesday, April 24

YEAR:  2013 | Tags:  | | | |

Jans-Magnus Janssons plats, 16:00


Last night Naa was at the theatre with her class and stayed over at Kamppi. This morning AUo and I left early in bright sunlight.

It was Luke’s birthday so I began by wishing him happy birthday on every available social media platform. I didn’t catch him but I did have an interchange with Kari who told me that they are on their way to Vietnam at the moment, having just had the best fun of their lives at Songkran.

I spend the morning giving the Social Media class their final assignment: a pecha kucha based on one of the tetrads they did a couple of weeks ago. Does this class have a narrative structure or what?

In the afternoon I wrote out Joakim’s assessment from yesterday’s thesis presentation, and Johnny signed it. He got a 5, and deservedly so. Then I went for a walk to clear my head for the evening.

I am outside the building watching a graffiti artist painting as part of the arts and music micro festival that is taking place at Arcada today. When I go for a walk Pluti will phone to invite me to do voice-overs for some short online movies he is making, and when I get back I will chat with Luke who has just arrived in Hanoi.

At 17:00 I will begin Week 2 of Dynamic Websites where we will gingerly approach some more advanced topics in WordPress.