Thursday, April 18
Röhdinkuja, 19:30
Today is Auo’s late day, and since Irma had a meeting in the city at 10:00 she agreed to take her. Naa and I left at 7:20 to find that the sky was bright blue and the sun was shining brightly.
When I got off the tram at Arabia I spent five minutes standing and looking round at the emerging green. Spring has definitely arrived this week.
I spent the morning preparing the game and unconference, and the afternoon preparing the second week of the Digital Mediascapes module. This meant reading through the learning diaries again, and the first projects. The diaries were complimentary and the projects were interesting.
At 17:30 Camie arrived and we sat with cups of tea and chatted. Once she had got her laptop working and the students were settled I left. I have complete confidence in her ability to wow a crowd!
Now I am at home and I am in time to see the Alepa van. This is delivering some groceries that Irma ordered yesterday online. Why did she order them? Because she could. ANd because the van looked like a toy car in the pictures on the web site.
It looks like a toy in the road outside our house too.