Friday, March 8

Arcada, 14:30
Naa was at Kamppi and Auo was in a desperate rush to get to school so we caught the 7:12 bus. Her class were going skiing this morning and only the people at the front of the queue would get good skis in the right size.
At Arcada I downloaded a new beta version of Pocket Informant for Android for my phone. This build works (yesterday’s didn’t) and version 3 is looking a lot better than version 2. I also uploaded my Powerpoint presentations from yesterday’s Digital Mediascape sessions, plus a free bonus presentation from last year that I won’t have time to deliver this year.
I spent the morning with everyone from the Real Time Web group who was not too hungover to attend. (There had been a student event last night.) We actually managed to bring the course to a conclusion by agreeing a framework and a timetable for the social game we have developed. Even better, everyone agreed to sign up for an extra course next period to actually run the game.
Lunch was uunimakkara ja perunamuusi, and who can resist that? Not me, apparently.
Now I am making sure everything is ready for Johnny’s sessions tonight, and making feeble efforts to finalise my plans for tomorrow’s sessions. I have gone outside for a breath of fresh air to discover that there is a snow storm in operation. I am shocked. I am also outside for less than ninety seconds.
I thought all that was over for this winter.
At 16:00 I will meet the students briefly to hand them over to Johnny before racing home for a weekend shopping trip to Prisma.