Tuesday, February 19

Hameentie, 17:20
I was first up, breakfasted and left for a full day teaching.
I spent the early morning honing my examples while talking with Johnny. I spent the bulk of the morning wrestling with xslt in the XML Foundations course. After a quick lunch of Thai noodles from Hakaniemi I led the first of my sessions in the concept and format course for the entire first year. Last week they had made pitches for television concepts they had developed. This week they begin the process of recasting their ideas as a pitch for an innovative web-thing.
We began by watching an episode of Dragnet, The Big September, because I wanted to illustrate McLuhan’s maxim that the content of a new medium is an old medium. The content of Dragnet is clearly radio.
At 16:00 I picked up two library books I had ordered and went to the doctoral seminar where I had a presentation about which I have nothing to say.
At 17:30 I got the tram back to Arcada. Now I am off it watching a snowplough trying to chase it. The presentation has unsettled me enough that I am about to go to S-Market to see if they have any half-price gorgonzola, as they sometimes do at the start of the week. It will turn out that they do.
I will spend the evening eating gorgonzola and reading through the previous draft of my thesis looking for clues that will enable me to rewrite it.