Wednesday, February 13

Hameentie, 14:15
The three of us left through the early morning slush and made the bus in plenty of time. Yesterday we got free Actimel at Itäkeskus, but today we got nothing.
I spent some of the morning finishing the spring cleaning that I had begun yesterday evening. I was supposed to be writing some more of my thesis, but this turned out to be even more important. I turned up a lot of papers relating to the early days of Marinetta that I thought had been lost years ago. I also found some examples of original student artwork that I had completely forgotten ever existed. This extended my thoroughness and by lunchtime I had much new material, all neatly arranged on carefully cleaned shelves.
It is an ADF non-eating day so I didn’t. I have been doing this for five months now, and it seems to be working. By which I mean, it doesn’t seem to be too painful. Sometimes I am laxer than others. Today I am very strict: nothing except milkess tea. I look out of the window, milkless tea in hand, and watch a woman dressed in white walk through the snow.
In the afternoon I will go over the pecha kucha trilogy which I intend using tomorrow for Tiina’s lecture. I try to take into account the criticism I received at the Doctoral Seminar and as a result I will drop all the New Age references (except the references to Osho, who is above that sort of criticism) and replace them with references to positive psychology and finally to Jerome Bruner. Once that is done I will start reworking the script.
At home I will do the ironing, while thinking about the new script, and then rewrite the script itself on the iPad by flipping between the slideshow on Documents To Go and the script in Writeroom. Auo will go off with Irma to learn the cello, and by the time they get back I will be done.
Until, inevitably, I start fiddling with it again later.