Sunday, January 6

Blue Breeze, 13:45
I got up at 7:30, updated this diary, and started writing. By breakfast time I had written 2,300 words. When I washed I noticed that my eye had cleared up, giving me an appearance approximating normality.
After breakfast we hung up a lot of laundry on the roof. We are on the roof now, for our thirty minutes tanning, and I am looking at the local washing. One of our neighbours does hotel and tourist washing for a living, and they are always hung out to dry on the road and walls, as is the local custom.
After we have had showers, Irma will get a tuk-tuk to Divine Super Market. We will hang up some more laundry and then head for the wifi at Spoonbill, where the girls will eat. Irma will suggest that we eat at Leo’s.
I will have fish biryani. Irma will have cheese and vegetable noodles. Loads of Russians will stagger in drunk to celebrate the Orthodox Christmas by trying to find the non-Indian items on the menu. We will leave.