Wednesday, January 2
Blue Breeze, 11:30
I got up at 7:00 and wrote more slowly than usual. I was having structural difficulties. Fortunately I realised they were of my own making, and fixed them. By the time we had breakfast I had, by a cunning sleight of hand, finished almost five of my planned seven chapters.
While setting up the breakfast table outside we noticed a butterfly on the wall. Now breakfast is over and it is still there. We are photographing it. Soon it will occur to us that it is beautiful but dead.
The afternoon will start with sunbathing followed by reading on the porch. At 15:15 we will decide to walk to the beach where the girls will swim and I will sit reading at Leo. I will finish Reality is Broken (again).
We will eat chicken dausages and pasta at home with more home-made pappadom. Then Sreni will come round and we will make travel arrangements: Trivandrum tomorrow and Cochin on Friday.
Irma will ask how I know the house is called Blue Breeze, and I will say that I read it in the comments book, which I did. It will then occur to me that the house may be called Blue Breeze in the same way that the cat is called Halo. Someone just made it up.
Perhaps I will ask Anib.