Tuesday, January 1

Leo's Restaurant, 0:15
We are watching the New Year fireworks along the beach. The sea front is full of tourists and locals, mostly drunk and mostly happy. Everyone is shouting “Happy New Year” to each other, laughing, and shaking hands.
In fifteen minutes we will walk home. Everyone motorbike or tuk-tuk that passes will slow and shout “Happy New Year”.
I wil not wake up until 8:30, when I will start writing. We did not drink much at all, so I will feel over-full but not hungover. By the time the others arrive I will have written or compiled 2,500 words.
Uday will come to pick two jackfruit, ask if we would like some jack curry, and leave.
After a long breakfast and thirty minutes sunbathing on the roof we will check that our devices are charged and head for Spoonbill. Irma will manage to read her mail and do some online banking. I will fail to read my mail but successfully back up Writeroom and Pocket Informant. We will all play on Facebook and the girls will convince me to download Snapseed.
At home we will eat jack curry with noodles and Irma’s first pappads, bought at Divine Super Market and deep fried here. Afterwards Halo will appear for the first time in several days and eat a sachet of catfood in less than two minutes, while pausing every ten seconds to look around for competitors.