Wednesday, December 26

Big Bazaar, Trivandrum, 16:00
Luke had been told that the best time for waves was 10:00. He left at 8:30 so he could skype Kari before boogie boarding. I got up and followed twenty minutes later. We used the wifi at Leo’s and drank lemon sodas. At 10:00 there were no waves at all and at 10:30, bone dry, we walked back.
Uday had arranged a car for us at midday, and we left for Trivandrum. The tour began at Style Plus and took in the Modern Book Centre and finally Big Bazaar. We are outside watching a stallholder setting up and beginning to cook something. We cannot decide what it will be.
Soon we will see the temple and then decide to try walking right round its perimeter. We will come to a closed gate. Irma and Auo will turn back. The rest of us will take a longer route forward. We will all arrive back at the East gate at the same time.
In the evening Irma will cook chicken sausages and noodles and we will eat at home for the first time. Luke and I will sit up talking one final time.