WordPress Vs WP Engine

POSTED: November 9, 2024

On June 16 this year I posted a note called Whose WordPress is it anyway? which pointed to a discussion by Jason Tucker and Sé Reed about who really controls WordPress, and whether or not that control benefits its users.

This formed part of a longer feeling of disquiet about the way Mark Mullenweg has used his power to seemingly obtain what he wants. Since then this issue has exploded with an apparently sudden public argument between Mullenweg and the owners of WP Engine, a hosting service. Techcrunch explains:

The world of WordPress, one of the most popular technologies for creating and hosting websites, is going through a very heated controversy. The core issue is the fight between WordPress founder and Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg and WP Engine, which hosts websites built on WordPress.

…In mid-September, Mullenweg wrote a blog post calling WP Engine a “cancer to WordPress.”

Techcrunch have updated this post regularly as the controversy has grown into a fistful of lawsuits, and now looks likely to turn into a metaphorical (but still unnecessary) bloodbath.

You might want to dip into it every now and then. You might also want to look at Classicpress if you haven’t already. It offers a fork with no unwanted Gutenberg block editor nonsense, and no drama.