Saturday, November 16

YEAR:  2024 | Tags:  | | |

KS Road, near Sagara, 17:40


We met Jose and Jolly at Geeta and Göran’s party. They run two nursery schools, one in the centre of Trivandrum and one in the Technopark area. They have built themselves the kind of house you might have found in a Johnny Weismuller Tarzan movie.

Tonight they host a barbecue party there, and I get Rajeev to drive me. In best movie style it has no gate, just a small gap in some bushes. We get there; fail to see any entrance; ask a local who leaps on his scooter and drives us somewhere else entirely. We get back to where we asked directions and I see Abraham, who waves to me and asks if I know where I get in.

He points through the bushes, I wave goodbye to Rajeev and in I go.

The house has provided them with years of fun, and they still add to it. They intend building a tree house in a few months.

I know everyone who arrives by name or by sight. Asha arrives with her two or three friends. I sit talking with Tom. I enjoy myself.

Udayan comes to collect me at 20:00. Getting home proves easier than getting here. I will, however, know how to find it next time.