Tweets for Week 48, 2012
- Zippy the Pinhead via DailyINK 09:18, on Monday, December 03
- RT @tom_peters: Few "capitalists" like capitalism. They pursue monopoly/duopoly enshrined by politically purchased regulatory barriers t … 17:52, on Monday, December 03
- Let's Weep For Doomed, Crappy Startups by @realdanlyons 18:02, on Monday, December 03
- RT @ZDNet: Samsung printers contain hidden, hard-coded management account 10:34, on Wednesday, December 05
- RT @harrymccracken: Thanks to the amazing TRS-80 archivist Ira Goldklang, I’m playing a game I wrote c. 1980 and haven’t seen since. htt … 10:34, on Wednesday, December 05
- So its all true! Fact filled presentation of the collapse of Windows' dominance & the rise of tablets / smartphones 10:37, on Wednesday, December 05
- Slideshow of pictures from the 1952 Great London Fog that killed brought London to a standstill & 4000 people in 4 days 10:39, on Wednesday, December 05
- Mystery Of Google's Lost 'Sandy Island' (sort of) Solved 13:25, on Wednesday, December 05
- Julian Assange Bypasses Mainstream To Sell Book /read in @feedly 17:40, on Thursday, December 06
- Blues for Mali as Ali Farke Toure's music is banned: a whole culture in peril 17:53, on Thursday, December 06