Thursday, November 22
Arabianranta, 15:50
I have spent most of the day preparing my presentation for next week’s seminar.
Yesterday evening I sat with Penultimate on my iPad and sketched out a simple grid for Powerpoint slides. I do not want any bullet points and have decided to use Powerpoint simply as an engine. I played with the grid for a couple of hours and by the end had something pretty solid.
This morning I learned that I had based the grid on the wrong dimensions and so I sat down and redid it, and then made a test slide. In the afternoon I steamed ahead and finished seven (out of sixty) slides. Since I have a script, and most of the material to hand, I was left feeling confident that I can do the rest Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week.
The way they are being done means that I am also preparing three Pecha Kucha demonstrations for a course in Period 3 (which I would have to do at some point anyway), and a demo for the third year who are struggling with grid-based design.
Now I am leaving early because Naa is at Kamppi and Irma is meeting politicians until late. I will spend a happy evening listening to cello practicing.