Monday, November 20
Turunlinnantie, 12:34
I go to the library to return some cds and to collect two books that arrived faster than I expected. I walk back over the bridge which has become a haven of deadly ice. I don’t fall over, in part because I watched someone else fall over and started taking particular care.
The bridge over the road from the library to Itis offers a view of Turunlinnantie up to the bus station.
I had planned on taking a ride on the new fast tram – known as the light rail in English – that seems to go nowhere in particular. It has the number 15 for some reason and it does pass through Oulunkylä and Otäniemi, where Aalto university lives; but I can already get to these by metro or bus.
I will delay this trip until Spring, I think, when I might feel like jumping out at a few random stops to see what I can find.