Thursday, November 1
Arcada, coffee lounge, 14:30
I was the only one up this morning and since I had been awake since 5:00 I got up early. I was on the 95 just after 7:00, having missed the previous 97 by literally one minute.
I spent the morning adapting this site to take advantage of the possibilities of Google web fonts. The site had been redesigned last year as a featured example in the second part of the Advanced Web Apps course, and the course had finished before the redesign was over. This year I will continue until it is done.The featured font is now Droid, and this, plus some tweaking of the line spacing, already makes a big difference.
During this I learned that the first web design for pizza restaurants evening class will not run, because only four of the required ten signed up. We will have a more concerted publicity campaign for the Spring course. I also suggested adding another course which I want to call OYD. More on that later.
At midday Tommy, Fred, Tanneli and I had a meeting with Marek to discuss the Constellations project that John W Fail is helming. We ate lunch and then went upstairs to the coffee lounge to have a Skype chat with John, who is in Tallinn. Now, having introduced the project to a student group with Marek, I am back there trying and failing to get some coffee. This would have been my first cup in a month and it is not going to happen.
I will make some tea instead, prepare examples for the first Mobile Apps session tomorrow, and then go home to have a shower.