Thursday, November 24

YEAR:  2022 | Tags:  | | | |

Sörkän Ruusu, 18:34


I have travelled to Sörnäinen to meet Aga, Ilpo and Oliver for the first time in six months or more. I will arrive third, to find Aga and Oliver sitting with their beer in front of them. I will discover that Ilpo has told Oliver he cannot join us today through a combination of illness, child illness, and work.

We sit in the front area and I look at the mural of Sörnäinen. I have not really noticed it before, probably because people usually sit in front of it. I decide to take a photograph of it. I choose the right moment because five minutes later three women will sit in front of it.

We will talk about and devise a workable plan to finish the book about Social Tools that we started writing a couple of years ago. I will head home thinking that it might actually happen.

I will get home to a plate of samosas from the AGM of the Finnish Indian Association.