Sunday, November 6

YEAR:  2022 | Tags:  | | | |

Sarovaram, 17:51


Most of the night a thunderstorm raged. The rain carried on for the whole morning, drumming on the tin roofs and causing the open drains to make the kind of loud noises you might associate with waterfalls.

To my quiet delight it stopped about ten minutes before Rajeev came to collect me and take me to the Subash Centre. By the time we got there everything had gone quiet and the flooding I had half-expected had given up and gone home.

We had our second Game Jam and one member, who had not attended for several months, appeared and won three out of the four games. She didn’t just win them: on two of them she had a score just over twice that of the person who came second.

Back home, I tear off my clothes and shower because, even with the fans on, the Subash Centre feels several stages hotter than the phrase intensely hot might normally indicate.

I sit on the balcony and look out at the street with a cold juice (pomegranate, since you ask). A man walks past with a cow, possibly the one I photographed a couple of weeks ago. A second cow plods along fifty metres behind, wandering in approximately the same direction at its own speed.

They wander slowly up the road in this odd procession that somehow seems Beckettian.